Hello, and welcome to my new blog!

Who is this guy?

My name is Joe Nyland and I am a developer who lives in Northwich and I work at Formisimo.

Ok, what’s the blog all about?

I’ve decided to try to keep a blog of things that I face on my journey through life and I hope to find time to talk about the things that interest me most.

You can expect to find posts and articles on the following subjects:

  • DevOps: Development and Operations management
  • General coding and general “hackery”
  • SysAdmin: System Administration
  • Mountain and road biking
  • Music: Whatever kind of music takes my fancy; Rock/Classical/Country/Pop/Electronic/Dance/R&B
  • The great outdoors: Walking, cycling and kayaking
  • Cars: Mainly from the VW/Audi group
  • Other: Random mumblings about subjects not already covered above